1. This group is not a Dating Platform. The group is a platform only for people who wants to attend the events and parties and picnics across India. Members are required to register with us on https://www.sunshineteam.in/CocktailHangouts/register.php is MANDATORY.
2. No offensive, political, adult or religious content or subject should not be shared in this group.
3. Be respectful to other group members. No Direct DM or personal Messages are allowed in this group. Admin created various groups and members are required to join the groups shared by the Admins. Minimum One group of the city / local area needs to be joined. Other groups based on choice, members can join subject to Admin approval.
4. Everyone should have a Legit profile picture, whenever picture are shared ensure the decency of the picture. No fake profile or with indecent profile photo will not be entertained.
5. No political, religious, controversial post or discussion are allowed in this group.
6. No other group events, photos or links or invites are allowed to be shared or discussed in this group.
7. If any person or persons ends up in personal relation with any other group members or any personal conflicts arise between them the group admins will have no responsibility towards it and should not be posted in the group.
8. The admins will have no responsibility of any such actions taken (any personal group meet, tour, party, fights, financial transactions or emotional dependencies etc) without the knowledge and approval by admins.
9. Any discussion in case asked by admins then the same will be discussed but the final decision will be taken by the group admins keeping in account the proponent and consequences of the subject matter.
10. Any member having the intention of not follow these group rules are free to leave the group. In case anyone left the group with whatsoever reason. It is Admins call when to take back the returning member. Once left at least 1 week the same person may not be taken back. As it showcase the insulting of all the members and admins for their time and efforts. Once left the group the member will not be asked to repay the membership fees, however, if the member left the group more then once then the current membership fees minus already paid fees will be charged.
11. If any person breaks any of the above mentioned rules and regulations or due to any undisclosed reasons, which can not be informed to all, if the admins removes any member from the group and they will not be answerable to anyone regarding such actions taken.
12. Request all to be friendly and be polite and make friends during the meetup. Getting a true friend these days is a huge challenge, the institution of any relation, first step is friendship.
&strcmp; 2024 Cocktail Hangouts. All rights reserved